Council of International Investigators - Events

Our regional meetings are an intimate gathering of members who want to network and deliver CIIs message to fellow members and interested non-members. For those unable to attend an AGM, the regionals offer an opportunity to travel and discover a new city or village without breaking the bank. The setting provides an opportunity to build friendships and put forth ideas and concerns to a member of the CII Board.  In 2024 we hosted three successful Regional Meetings;

2024 Regional Meetings

May 15-17
Bangkok, Thailand
Southeast Asia and Far East Regions

May 15 -16 2024
Toronto, Canada
Canada & US Regions 

May 23-25 2024 
Barcelona, Spain
European & Israeli Region 

Annual General Meeting

September 17 - 21
Dann Carlton Hotel & Spa
Bogota, Colombia

Monthly virtual "Fika with the President"